Saturday June 1, 2013 – Saturday June 1, 2013
2582 Mt Lehman Road #1
Mom’s Photography Workshop 102
This workshop is specially developed for moms with the camera and creative eyes!
In this workshop, you will learn to apply photographic rules that will help you to compose better photos and bring out the best in your subjects. Enjoy another opportunity to learn alongside other women with common interests in making memorable images and improving their photos.
Suitable for:
The beginner, Intermediates, and the enthusiast photographer.
This digital camera workshop is primarily intended for photographers using digital SLR and Mirror-less cameras, but many Manual capable digital compact cameras are also suitable. Each participant is expected to bring a digital camera with a fully charged battery and memory card(s).
Topics included:
-Rule Of Thirds
-Rim Light
-Guide Lines and Geometric shapes
-Baby’s portrait
-Rules of composition for Landscape
-Rules of composition for Close ups
-Rules of composition for Portraits
-Rules of composition for Action shots
This is a 4 hour workshop
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