Kid’s Portrait Photography Techniques

Kid’s Portrait Photography Techniques Workshop

” I want to take better pictures of my kids and tried my best with no success! It is almost impossible to capture their unique personality in a photo as they won’t stay for a pose! Should it be this difficult to take pictures of kids?”

This is one of the main questions that we receive from our previous students and friends. That is why Tamara and I decided to plan a workshop just for “Kid’s Portrait Photography”.

There are several different specialties in photography which make it one of the most interesting trades of all. Kid’s portrait Photography is one of them. You need to be equipped with knowledge, techniques, and a passion to photograph children.

In the Kid’s Portrait Photography Workshop, we are going to teach you the techniques and skills you need to succeed, since taking this workshop it tells us that you have the passion already. You can be one of those very successful Kid’s photographers!

Kid's Portrait Photography Techniques
Kid’s Portrait Photography Techniques

For the first part of Kid’s Portrait Photography Workshop, Tamara will start you off with the basics of your camera, equipment, and framing. Then will follow with some tips, suggestions, and a chance for you to ask questions. There will be a couple weeks for you to practice what you have learned in class, as well as to gather any extra equipment that you may want to bring along.

The second part of Kid’s Portrait Photography will be all hands-on, working with children whom you will pose and photograph. You will learn how to choose a good location and work with the lighting to create your shot, as well as pose and interact with your subject to get just the right look.

Are you interested now? Then click the registration button to book your ticket as there are limited spots available.

[button url=”″_self” size=”large” style=”forestgreen” ]Registration for Kid’s Portrait Photography[/button]





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