
Lifestyle Photography 3: Fall Colour Edition

October 5, 2013 – October 5, 2013

2582 Mt Lehman Road #1

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Lifestyle Photography 3:

Fall Colour Edition

Because of the growing popularity of our Lifestyle Workshops, we couldn’t wait to offer our next one. If you missed the last Lifestyle Family Workshop, now is your chance to jump in on the action! Come join Ted, Tamara, and Anita for another adventure!


This time, our focus will be on Portrait photography in a creative and edgy way. You will need your cameras and your flashes for this one (even on-board flashes will do). If you simply want to explore a new type of photography or get a different perspective to push your skills to a new level, this class is for you!

Come prepared with working cameras and CHARGED batteries. Other items that may enhance your experience would be tripods/monopods, external flashes, wireless triggers, grey cards, flash diffusers, light discs (reflectors). Space is limited, so be sure to sign up quick!

Lunch break:

12:00-1:00 pm (Light lunch (pizza) and soft drink or water is provided)



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