Omnilargess Digital camera Classes

Natural Light Model Photography

Natural Light Model Photography Techniques

Using Multiple Sources of Natural Light

I recently shot this image in my master bedroom.

Natural Light Model Photography
Natural Light Model Photography

Sometimes when we talk about shooting natural light in a house, we just think of it in a single dimension. However, if you train your eye you will be able to see how the same light source (the sun/clouds) can have multiple angles depending on where you locate your model.

In this case, we have three different angles the model has light hitting her. She is sitting on a little night table with 3 ft wide window behind her and the same size window to her right (camera left). I am standing on the patio just outside the door. Look at the light on the the right side of her head (note the light on the fingers). This works along with the light from the doorway as the key light. The left side of her face has a light shade causing a nice contrast in this image.

On a compositional note, count the triangles in this image. The more triangles you can work into your image, the stronger it will become. Knees and elbows are great triangle creators.

Do you want to learn more about Model Photography and Natural Light?

Register for our Natural Light Model Photography workshop.

David Falk

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