Night Scene Photography Workshop
Some images from our last night scene photography class
Night scene photography is a part of our eight week photography program. There are many subjects suitable for night photography, but do you know how to set your camera for the best results?
In our Digital Camera Photography Bootcamp we cover almost everything related to photography from beginner to intermediate levels. Topics such as camera controls, settings and composition are a few examples. One of the most challenging types of photography is Night Scene photography, which is why we include it in our Bootcamp lineup.
Although night scene photography has many things in common with regular photography, there are a few important differences and one of the most challenging is understanding exposure.
Here are some images which were taken during a Night Scene Photography workshop, as part of our Digital Camera Bootcamps.
These photos are submitted by Alison Bull. I want to thank Alison for her contribution.
And these images are by Bruce Warren. Thank you Bruce for sharing these images. You are very talented and now you have all controls over your camera.
If you didn’t have a chance to join to our last Digital Camera Bootcamp, we have another one beginning on May 7. It is an exciting eight week program; follow this link for all the details: Summer Digital Camera Bootcamp.
You may be thinking: I’m interested in learning about night scene photography – are there any classes for just night time photography?
And the answer is yes! The next Night Scene photography workshop is scheduled for March 29, and it’s three hours of outdoor, hands-on class time that you don’t want to miss!
Ted and the Omnilargess Team
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