
Outdoor Photography Fall program


Outdoor Photography Techniques are part of the Fall Photography Bootcamp

We are getting close to Autumn and with the wonderful changes in the weather and landscapes, you may want to consider doing some outdoor photography.

How to be successful in outdoor photography?

Landscape and outdoor photography techniques are very simple. A good working knowledge of metering modes and selective focusing can have a big impact on your photos. Additionally, the rules of good composition often work very well but there will also be times when you want to break the rules!

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Beginners Photography Boot Camp includes six classroom sessions on Wednesday nights as well as two field trips one for daytime and Outdoor Photography, and one for nighttime photography.

Taking photos outdoors, especially in autumn, needs specific know-how techniques. One of the most important techniques is EXPOSURE. Shutter Speed, Aperture and ISO can control Exposure. For taking outdoor photography you also need to know how to select the right exposure metering, such as Spot vs. Centre vs. Matrix/Evaluative. Photography Bootcamp covers all and shows you how to use your digital camera to it’s potential.

Each session comes with full instruction and you get assignments to do.

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Outdoor Photography pictures from previous Bootcamp program

As part of our Digital Camera Bootcamp, we have two field trips.The field trips allow you the opportunity to play around with different camera settings. You have time to take photos with shutter speeds, Aperture, ISO, etc., and discuss the setting with your instructor. Towards the end of the program your instructor will ask everyone to switch to Manual mode in their cameras and start to control shutter speed and aperture manually. The feedback from our students was they enjoyed the Manual setting over Aperture or Shutter Priority!

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Omnilargess Entry Level  Photography Class – Bootcamp Program starts on September 27th. It is a six-week program ( eight sessions) for beginners. If you just got your new digital camera and always want to learn how to use your camera to its potential, or planning on starting a new photography adventure or business, this beginners photography class is for you.

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