Exposure Triangle

Perfect Photograph


What Makes a Perfect Photograph

We are always wondering about the definition of a perfect photograph. Honestly, it can be a very subjective issue to discuss broadly. However, there are a few guidelines that help us to understand and rate our pictures successfully. 

Firstly, let’s look into some photography basics. Generally speaking, photography has two parts, the Technical part and the aesthetic appearances.

What are the Technical Aspects of photography?

Everything from learning your camera layout to how to set up the Exposure is part of the technical aspects. Therefore, a photographer needs to know the basics of operating the camera. The technical skills are never-ending tasks for all photographers. There are always new techniques or cameras that you need to learn more. 

The more you invest your time in learning these skills, the more successful you get in creating a perfect photograph.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”24606″ img_size=”600×400″ add_caption=”yes” alignment=”center” style=”vc_box_rounded” css_animation=”fadeIn” title=”Perfect Photograph Sample”][vc_column_text]

Does the Perfect Technical Aspects make the Perfect Photograph

Sadly, the answer is no! The technical skills help you meter the light correctly, set the Exposure properly, and create the right colour. However, the image may be exposed correctly; it may not be the perfect photograph.

Thus, we need to consider the artistic points as well. [/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”24607″ img_size=”600×400″ add_caption=”yes” alignment=”center” style=”vc_box_rounded” css_animation=”fadeIn” title=”Imperfect Photograph Sample”][vc_column_text]Stay tuned for the next article that I discuss the importance of Composition, AKA “Artistic view.”[/vc_column_text][vc_hoverbox image=”24310″ primary_title=”” hover_title=”Ronda Westergaard Testimony”]Ted was always eager to answer my questions.  Very helpful and informative.   I have done private lessons and now a class session and have learned so much.   I could never have learned this much with online classes.  He just makes it all so easy to understand.  If you are new to photography I highly recommend Omnilargess!

Ronda Westergaard [/vc_hoverbox][vc_column_text]

Do you want to learn more?

Omnilargess Photography workshops focus on many hidden features in digital cameras and editing software, such as Lightroom and Photoshop.

I dedicate a good portion of our digital camera workshops and Editing classes to discuss the Histogram. Digital Photography Bootcamp is one of our most popular photography courses, and I explain the Histogram in depth in this class. Check the link below for upcoming classes.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_cta h2=”Omnilargess Training Program” h4=”Upcoming Photography Classes” txt_align=”center” style=”outline” color=”black” add_button=”bottom” btn_title=”Find your workshop” btn_style=”outline” btn_color=”turquoise” btn_size=”lg” btn_align=”center” btn_i_type=”typicons” btn_i_icon_typicons=”typcn typcn-camera-outline” btn_css_animation=”bounceInDown” add_icon=”top” i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-graduation-cap” i_color=”black” i_background_style=”rounded” i_size=”xl” i_css_animation=”flipInY” css_animation=”fadeIn” btn_add_icon=”true” i_on_border=”true” btn_link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fwww.omnilargess.com%2Fevents||target:%20_blank|”]


Event Venue Date
Omnilargess Photography Bootcamp Backbone Office
  • January 25, 2025 9:00 am
[/vc_cta][vc_column_text]That is all for now. Stay tuned for my next photography Tips. We love to hear from you. Let us know if you have any questions, feel free to send us your questions, and we will be more than happy to answer them. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for more Free Tutorials and Tips.

Ted and the Omnilargess Team

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