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Digital Point and Shoot Camera Class

Picks for Mom

Think Of Mom!

Digital Point and Shoot Camera Class

Exciting NEW class coming up for the beginner with a compact camera.

Look for the “Picks for Mom” badge over the next few weeks.

We also have gift certificates available in any amount, or gift a class tickets if there is a specific class you know she will love.

Digital Point & Shoot Camera Class 

Does Mom pull her camera out of her bag only to get blurry shots?

Is she unsure of all the buttons on the camera?

Does she want to stop shooting in the auto setting?

Digital Point and Shoot Camera Class is for her. Learn the different settings on a compact camera to help improve her photography skills. From setting up the camera functions to discovering the hidden setting within the camera Digital Point and Shoot Camera Class covers all the basics.

Compact Digital Camera can create good images too!
Compact Digital Camera can create good images too!

Omnilargess Workshop Team

[button url=”http://omnilargess.com/event-registration/” target=”_self” size=”large” style=”limegreen” ]Register for Compact Digital Camera Class[/button]


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