Omnilargess 8

Slow Synch Flash Photography

Slow Synch Flash Photography

Flash Photography Techniques 

Last week I wrote about Flash Photography High Speed Synch, but creativity in flash photography doesn’t stop there. There are many other features and skills which can take your flash photography knowledge to the next level.

One of the most important features is Slow Synch, when you choose a slower shutter speed and flash to create special effects in your photos. There are several reasons for using slow synch, for instance when you want to capture more of the ambient light or to show movement of your subject.

There are two different types of slow synchs available in most digital cameras; they are called 1st curtain and 2nd curtain. During our Indoor Flash Photography Techniques workshop I will explain them in detail and you will have a chance to practice them in the class.

Let’s take a look at some examples to demonstrate what I mean. For both of these shots I used a normal flash setting and you can see how BORING the images are!

Normal flash photography
Normal Flash Photography

The next images were captured using Slow Synch techniques; it’s easy to see how a lacklustre photo becomes much more creative and interesting. Can you tell which one is first curtain and which one is 2nd curtain?

Slow Synch
Slow Synch
Slow Synch
Slow Synch
Slow Synch
Slow Synch

If you want to learn more about these and other flash photography techniques register now for this workshop – we still have a few spots available!

Ted and Omnilargess Team

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