Colour Wheel

Adjusting color in Photoshop

Adjusting Color in Photoshop Class

Our new All About Layers Track has begun with a bang! We started off with a workshop devoted to the basics. In the Intro to Layers class, students learned how layers work together and they were guided through some simple steps to improve their photos right off the bat. With the success of that class, we will be forging ahead with our next workshop, which happens to be second most in its importance.  Our Color and Layers class will demonstrate the role that color plays in the overall appearance of our photos.

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Ever wonder why your print looks nothing like the image you saw on your screen? Walk with Ted as he delves into the world of monitor calibration and color profiles. When editing photos, it is of paramount importance that what you see is what you get (WYSIWYG). Even with the best monitors out there, and the best editing skills around, it all amounts to nothing if our screens are not showing an accurate representation of what is truly happening to our image.

Not sure what a color cast is and how to find one in your image? Come sharpen your eye as Tamara shows you how to see color and what to do about it. Photography is about recording events, moments, and things that speak about who we are and where we come from. Color is one key to making an accurate record about these things and allowing our brains to properly interpret what we are looking at. Photography is also about art. A simple shift in color can change the whole mood and meaning of a photograph.  Even though the color coming straight from your camera can be great, come learn how to make it spectacular!

This workshop is designed for the Intermediate to Advanced Photoshop user (applicable to both the full CS and the Elements versions) and requires a working knowledge of layers and how they interact with each other. If you know a little about Photoshop, but are looking for a second step in the image editing process, or are simply looking for a way to make your pictures look better over all – this is the workshop for you.

Join us this coming Sunday, September 16th at noon for our Color and Layers class, and stay tuned for the next two classes in our All About Layers Track in the next two weeks. Reserve your seat quickly as there are only a few spots left!

Omnilargess Workshop Team

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