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Complete Portrait Photography Workshops

Complete Portrait Photography Workshops

A series of workshops targeting portrait photography in different aspects 

Intermediate to Advanced class
Intermediate to Advanced class

We are very pleased to announce our first ever modular photography workshops. The complete series will cover various type of portrait photography, such as outdoor portrait, flash portrait, and studio portrait. You can select one, two, or all three workshops as each workshop is somehow different from the others. We suggest to register for all three workshops through our package deal and save big on registration fee.

If you want to get involved in portrait photography as a business or hobby, Complete Portrait Workshops are very important to your success.

Portrait Photography Workshops
A complete series of Portrait Photography Workshops : from Natural Light to Flash and Studio lights

Each portrait photography workshop has developed carefully and individually to cover everything you need to know for shooting artistic portraits under any kind of light or location conditions.

Each class starts with a two hour classroom session which covers all technical and artistic contents with some examples. In this session we will discuss camera settings and lens focal length for optimum exposure on portrait, Composing female and male posing, interacting with your subject, and many more.

After a short break, there will be the practical part of the class where models will be available for you to shoot the portrait and practice the techniques and artistic skills by yourself. Your instructor will be available to answer your questions and makes suggestions on camera settings or composition.

Natural Light Portrait Photography Workshop:

Classroom session covers camera settings, exposure modes, metering modes, ISO, White Balance, elements that you need to consider for choosing an outdoor spot, modifying light by using reflectors or other modifiers, female and male posing skills. Field Photography part is all in the field. Your instructor will check your camera settings and will provide the suggestions for you.

Part 1 April 22nd 2017 from 10am to 12pm Classroom Session

Part 2 April send 2017 from 2pm to 4pm Practical Session


For more information visit Natural Light Portrait Photography Workshop page.

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Flash Portrait Photography (Outdoor and Indoor techniques)

Flash Photography is completely different from constant light photography. It needs some extra techniques that using flash in portrait photography will be discussed in this workshop.

Part 1 April 29th 2017 from 10am to 12pm Classroom Session

Part 2 April 29th 2017 from 2pm to 4pm Practical Session


For more information visit Flash Portrait Photography workshop page.

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Studio Portrait Photography

There are many similarities in flash and studio lights (also known as Strobes), and many fundamental differences as well. This workshop is all about the strobes, what is watt per second, how strobes work, how to set the camera and strobes to get the optimum result.

Part 1 May 6th 2017 from 10am to 12pm Classroom Session

Part 2 May 6th 2017 from 2pm to 4pm Studio Practical Session


For more information visit Studio Portrait Photography Workshop Page.

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

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That is all for now. stay tuned for more Upcoming Workshops and happy Christmas Shooting!

Ted and the Omnilargess Team


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