Four evening Lightroom classes with lots material to cover!
Learn Lightroom this year
Let’s make the new year a productive one by learning fundamental features of Lightroom.
Lightroom is the best photo editing and management software, especially once you understand the program. There are many specific steps to setting up and using Lightroom to its full potential. Our Lightroom Workshop can help you gain a solid understanding and give you the skills to make your Lightroom experience productive and enjoyable.
Only 2 more spots left! Register today
Four evening Lightroom classes with lots material to cover!
Learn Lightroom is a four part program that equips you with concrete fundamental knowledge as we work our way through an established workflow. This dynamic four part program is suitable for both beginners and more experienced users of this powerful, exciting software. Read on for info about program outlines and plan to join us in February 2017 to take your Lightroom experience to a whole new level.
Learn Lightroom Part 1 February 2nd 7-9 pm
Setting up, Lay out, Import (to internal, external, or network drive), Organize, Collections, filter, Folders, Smart Preview, and Quick Develop.
Learn Lightroom part 2 February 3rd 7-9 pm
Global Adjustments:
Basic, Tone Curve, Crop/Straighten, HSL, Detail, Effect, Virtual Copy Vs History, Batch processing, Presets, Exporting for Social Media/Web and Prints.
Learn Lightroom Part 3 February 16th 7-9 pm
Local Adjustments:
Brush, Gradient, Radial, Understanding Panorama and HDR.
Learn Lightroom Part 4 February 17th 7-9 pm
Start to Finish Assignments:
In this class students work on assignments from start to finish and instructors will supervise their projects to assist with corrections and answer questions. This class is where we put it all together by working on specific projects to produce a beautiful finished result.
– Must have basic computer skills, either Mac or PC; all participants must have and bring to the sessions a laptop computer with Adobe Lightroom installed.
– A trial version of Lightroom is available for download for PC and Mac from the internet. Check system requirements first. Omnilargess cannot provide computer support. If you are having any difficulties with your computer or the installation of software, please contact your local computer support before the workshop.
– Bring your own image files to Lightroom class sessions. Your instructor will guide you through establishing a solid workflow in Lightroom with practical skills you can use for all of your future projects.
Limited spots are available for this popular series; register now to secure your seat. Visit our Upcoming Classes for information on this series, as well as many other interesting workshops.
As always, contact me if you have any questions.
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