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Good Photography Class


A Good Photography Class Makes All The Differences

There is a big difference between “Taking a Photograph” and “Making a Picture.” According to Ansel Adams, Making a Photograph is the primary key for being a successful photographer. So, a good photography class is all you need for “Making Photographs!”

 Previously, I posted an article showing the progress of Mike Elliot and Sarah Toland during our Photography Bootcamp Program. In this article, I am going to show the successful improvement of Spencer Cordling.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”23882″ img_size=”600×400″ add_caption=”yes” alignment=”center” style=”vc_box_rounded” onclick=”link_image” css_animation=”fadeIn” title=”Bootcamp Photography Class”][vc_column_text]

A Good Photography Class is the Path to Success

Spencer has always had a passion for capturing the beauty of nature in his hikes. Buying a digital camera alone and use it in Auto mode didn’t help him to achieve his goal.

Although there are many tutorials online and on YouTube, joining a good photography class builds up the foundation that you need to take your photography to the next level. Just after a couple of sessions in Bootcamp, Spencer started to shoot in Semi-Automatic mode (Shutter and Aperture Priority), and he realized the potentials of his digital camera. [/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”23883″ img_size=”600×400″ add_caption=”yes” alignment=”center” style=”vc_box_rounded” onclick=”link_image” css_animation=”fadeIn” title=”Bootcamp Photography Class”][vc_column_text]By the end of the Bootcamp, not only he started to explore the Fully Manual mode, but he also switched to Raw format. Therefore, our Bootcamp program, being a good photography class for beginners, assisted him to engage in photography like a pro! He described our Bootcamp as an enjoyable program for learning digital photography. After all, a good photography class should be entertaining too!   

Here are some of the photos that Spencer “MADE” (not take) during the Bootcamp photography class:  

[/vc_column_text][vc_gallery type=”image_grid” images=”23884,23885,23886,23887,23888,23889,23890,23891″ title=”Spencer’s Photo Gallery”][vc_column_text]

Omnilargess Camera Classes are Fun

We offer many photography workshops for all levels, Digital Photography Bootcamp and Full-day Photography Class. Both workshops are for beginners. 

The Bootcamp is a complete photography class. It is a seven-week workshop and includes two field trips.

The Full-day Photography class is another popular program. Part one is the classroom session, and part two is a field trip.

Small class size and hands-on sessions assist you in learning photography with fun!   

Do you want to learn more about Photography Bootcamp?

Photography Bootcamp is a six-week photography program. It includes two field trips, one for daytime and one for nighttime photography techniques. 

I dedicate a good portion of our  Digital Photography Bootcamp to discuss many hidden features of camera settings and Composition. Bootcamp is one of our most popular photography courses, where I explain the Exposure, Composition, and much more.

The next Bootcamp starts on February 19th, 2020. There are a few spots left.

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

Bootcamp Schedule:

Wednesday, February 19th and 26th, 6:00-9:00 pm

Wednesday, March 4th, 11th, 18th, from 6:00-9:00 pm

Saturday, March 21st, from 9:30am-12:30pm

Wednesday, March 25th and April 1st, from 6:00-9:00 pm[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_cta h2=”Omnilargess Training Program” h4=”Upcoming Photography Classes” txt_align=”center” style=”outline” color=”black” add_button=”bottom” btn_title=”Find your workshop” btn_style=”outline” btn_color=”turquoise” btn_size=”lg” btn_align=”center” btn_i_type=”typicons” btn_i_icon_typicons=”typcn typcn-camera-outline” btn_css_animation=”bounceInDown” add_icon=”top” i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-graduation-cap” i_color=”black” i_background_style=”rounded” i_size=”xl” i_css_animation=”flipInY” css_animation=”fadeIn” btn_add_icon=”true” i_on_border=”true” btn_link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fwww.omnilargess.com%2Fevents||target:%20_blank|”]


Event Venue Date
Photography at Mill Lake Park Mill Lake Park
  • April 5, 2025 9:00 am
Intermediate Outdoor Photography Workshop Abbotsford Judo Club
  • May 3, 2025 9:00 am
Master the Art of Raw Shooting Abbotsford Judo Club
  • June 7, 2025 8:30 am
[/vc_cta][vc_column_text]That is all for now. Stay tuned for my next photography Tips. We love to hear from you. Let us know if you have any questions, feel free to send us your questions, and we will be more than happy to answer them. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for more Free Tutorials and Tips.

Ted and the Omnilargess Team

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