
Happy Canada Day


Let’s Celebrate Canada 150th Anniversary together this year

Canada Day has always been a day to be proud and present to the world the fundamentals that Canada as a country stands for. But this year is an exceptional milestone as we commemorate the 150th anniversary of the confederation. Canada has achieved a great deal during these years and not many countries can be so proud of calling themselves multicultural, including, environment friendly and prosperous.

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As proud Canadians we in Omnilargess team would like to celebrate this joyful day and say it loud that we all feel the privilege and our aim is to make the best contribution to this peaceful land. You are probably aware that we do have numerous students from USA crossing the border to join our classes and what better occasion than July 1st to show this pleasure!

[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=”15% Discount on all workshops and private classes” font_container=”tag:h2|font_size:35|text_align:left|color:%23c92f00|line_height:1″ use_theme_fonts=”yes” css_animation=”fadeInUpBig”][vc_column_text]

As a result we decided to share the happiness of this honorable day with all of you by offering a 15% discount for the first time on such a memorable occasion.

Use discount code “HAPPYCANADA150” on checkout to receive 15% discount, when register online.

This 15% discount will apply on all registration fees for our classes if booked between June 28th and July 7th. Don’t worry, even if you were thinking of signing up for private classes, still you will be eligible for this valuable discount if the classes are more than 4 hours long.

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So think fast and take the opportunity as it is on for limited time!

Omnilargess Team

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