
Images from Fall Color II

Images from Fall Color

workshop Part II

Here you are! More images from our Outdoor photography workshop on October 2 in Abbotsford! This workshop was lots of fun and I had people from Abbotsford, Langley, Chilliwack, New west Minister, and Coquitlam. We tried so many different settings in our cameras, I showed them how to select the right color setting and white balance according to light condition. I also shared some composition techniques in this seminar. You can see the first part of images in this post.

People often ask ” What camera did you use to take this photo?” It is not as important as to ask “What technique did you use to take this image?” In my photography workshops I don’t care what camera you use, I want to make sure that you get the most out of your camera.

I have a good news for those of you who want to dig deeper in EXPOSURE and Light meter. On Sunday November 6, I am going to have a workshop in DSLR Metering System, Ansel Adams Zone System, and HDR photography in Abbotsford. It is an Advanced class. If you have basic knowledge of Dslr setting and want to take your photography skills to the next level, just sign up for this upcoming advanced photography workshop. Class size is limited to 15 persons. Only 7 more spots are left. Please check  “Advanced Exposure Techniques Workshop” page for more detail and registration.

Andre (Bud) sent us these images:




And Eileen shared these photos with us:



That is all for now. And remember It is not your camera, It is your techniques that create the images!



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