Indoor Flash Photography Workshop.
Just in time for your Winter photography.
Indoor Flash Photography Workshop is a 2 part class which covers the most popular and useful techniques for indoor flash photography.
Are you looking to be more creative with indoor flash photography and lighting techniques?

Did you know that flash photography can be so much fun when you understand how to use different settings in your camera and flash?

Come and join us for our very popular Indoor Flash Photography workshop and take your indoor photos to an exciting new level!
Part one is a classroom session and starts on Tuesday October 29 at 7:00 to 9:00 pm and covers:
1: Flash fundamentals techniques
2: Controlling exposure with flash
3: White Balance and Flash Photography
4: Shutter speed and Flash exposure
5: Aperture control in Flash Photography
Part two is the practical and hands on session which starts on Sunday October 31 at 10:00 am to 12:00 pm and covers
Hands on setting camera and flash for different indoor flash photography. There will be loads of practical assignments on:
1: Special Effects in Flash Photography
2: Ambient light and Flash
3: High Speed Flash Synch
4: Slow Shutter Flash Synch
5: Accessories for better Flash Photography
6: Light modifiers for Flash photography (Softbox, Grid, Bouncer, etc.)
And more!
This Indoor Flash Photography workshop is for beginner to intermediate photographers with a DSLR, mirror less cameras, and any point shoot camera with a hot shoe for external flash.
Ted and the Omnilargess Team