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Meet the Model

We just wanted to give you one more bit of information regarding our Model Photography workshop that is coming up quickly! The first part of the workshop will be giving you all the background knowledge, tips, techniques, and information that you need in order to help you be successful in this type of high-fashion photography. The second part of the workshop, we have promised, will be very hands-on, and will allow you a chance to practically apply the principles you have learned in the classroom.

With this in mind, we would like to introduce to you the model whom we will be photographing on the day, as well as the makeup artist who will be preparing her for the shoot:

 Meet the Model : Kyra Tomko




Meet the Makeup Artist : Joji Dhillon

Now, any really great model has help from a really great makeup artist! For this class, we wanted to give you the full experience, and we didn’t want to cut corners. So, we will also have a makeup artist along (also known as a MUA) who will be doing beautiful work with our model at the beginning of the day. Joji Dhillon is a local MUA who does amazing work, and has worked with David in the past. It is a good idea  to develop a great working relationship with makeup artists as well as models, because they are equally as important to a complete shoot.

Now the cat is out of the bag! You know who will be assisting you on the day, and you are in for a fun, and informative time. If you haven’t registered yet – you don’t have much time left! Don’t miss out – Register for Model Photography Techniques today!




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