TED 9817

Digital Photography Workshop 101

Picks for MomMothers Day is coming….

Digital Photography Workshop 101

NEW class designed for beginners with a digital SLR camera or mirrorless system.

Look for the “Picks for Mom” badge over the next few weeks.

We also have gift certificates available in any amount, or gift a class tickets if there is a specific class you know she will love.

Digital Photography Workshop 101

Does mom have a great fancy camera but doesnt  really know how to use it?

digital Photography Workshop 101 is for her!

Digital Photography Workshop 101 will guide you through the most important technical settings of your camera, and help you get the control you need to get the results you want. Begin improving your images with a few simple tips to get you started, and have fun learning alongside other women who want to get a better handle on the cameras they own.

[button url=”http://omnilargess.com/event-registration/?ee=37″ target=”_self” size=”large” style=”golden” ]Register for Digital Photography 101 for mom[/button]

Omnilargess Workshop Team

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