New instructor

New member of our workshop team!

As we have promised, there are many new changes coming to Omnilargess this year. We are moving quickly forward with these changes, and as such, we are pleased to welcome Duncan Turner, of DLT Photo, to our team. He will be involved in a variety of our classes, and will be available for some of our private lessons as well.

Duncan has been in the photographic industry for 19 years. He has worked as a Photographer, Photo-Lab Technician and now as the Manager of a well known Fraser Valley Camera Store. He has over 100 weddings worth of shooting experience in Abbotsford as well as shooting as a social photographer for many years on Luxury Cruise Ships and land-based Entertainment Resorts. From film to digital, Duncan has seen it all and is well practiced with all brands of cameras and their functions after 12 years of Camera Retail. Duncan is thrilled to join the Omnilargess team and looks forward to helping new photographers progress and achieve their photographic goals.

Look for Duncan in upcoming announcements and be sure to check out the classes and workshops that we have already posted, so that you don’t miss out on the one you need!

Omnilargess Workshop Team

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