New Live Support Chat

Come and check our new Live Support system!

We are very pleased to announce that we now have “Live Support.” It is a chat room on our website which will enable us to assist you faster and more efficiently.  Now, if you have any questions during our business hours, simply click on the “Live Support” tab and one of our instructors will be available to answer your questions. You can use live chat from your smart phone, tablet or desktop computer. After a few tests, we are ready to launch it. Please let us know if you encounter any issues with it.

New Live support chat
New Live support chat

If you use the chat outside of business hours, we will receive your questions and will get back to you by email or phone call as soon as we are available.

Just add your email and or phone number and we will contact you ASAP
Just add your email and or phone number and we will contact you ASAP

We are so excited to use this new powerful feature. I want to thank Casengo for providing such a powerful tool to us. As always you contact us by phone, Facebook, or email.

Looking forward to answering your questions in our new “Live Support” program.

Ted and Omnilargess Team


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