RDI 9195

Night Scene Photography

Night Scene Photography Techniques

Ever tried to do a photo shoot as the sun is setting and the light is beautiful? You can get some pretty great shots! The only problem is that, at this time of day, the light changes roughly every 10 minutes. This means that you have to change many variables which compose your exposure, so that you get a well lit, accurately coloured, and professional-looking shot. If you don’t care about these things, you may get a great snapshot, but if you want a photo that stands out, you need to get your settings right!

Come out and join us for our Night Scene Photography Workshop on Saturday March 8, 2014!

We will start you off with all of the tricky details you need to get great photos at sunset. Then, we will move in to helping you master taking scenic shots at night. Both with and without a person in the photo. You will learn how to adjust your camera settings and exposure, as well as how to do some special effects like Light Painting. You won’t want to miss this fun workshop! Check out some of the photos from our past night scene class on our Facebook Page – it was a blast!

Register NOW as space is limited!

Long exposures and disappearing people!

Ted and Omnilargess Team

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