Outdoor Photography Workshop Saturday June 14
Images from Outdoor Photography Workshop on May 3
We are getting close to summer and the wonderful changes in the weather and landscapes make it a good time to explore new skills in outdoor photography.
Landscape and outdoor photography techniques are very simple and a good working knowledge of metering modes and selective focusing can have a big impact on your photos. Additionally, the rules of good composition often work very well but there will also be times when you want to break the rules!

On Saturday June 14 we are going to have another fabulous outdoor photography workshop. There are few spots available, so register now to book your spot. Meanwhile feel free to look at some of the shots from our previous Outdoor Photography students.
We had our Landscape Photography workshop on Saturday May 3. The weather was very nice, mainly a light overcast which allowed opportunity to play around with different camera settings, but by the end of the class it was pouring rain! We had a chance to take photos with long depth of field, shallow depth of field, fast shutter speed, slow shutter speed, and we played with different approaches to composition rules as well. I also asked everyone to switch to Manual mode in their cameras and start to control shutter speed and aperture. The feedback from students was they enjoyed the Manual setting over Aperture or Shutter Priority!
We have scheduled our next Summer Digital Camera Bootcamp for July 8. Check it out and register today to reserve your spot.
Fiona McComb (one of our Outdoor photography workshop students) wrote:
“I have taken two classes now thru Omnilargess and am currently signed up for one more. Really enjoy their classes and find Ted very knowledgeable and helpful.”
Thank you Fiona for your kind words and here you can see some of her workshop images.
Bruce Warner wrote:
“As always a great course and with so much info given. I am getting better with every shot!”
Thank you Bruce for the positive feedback and for sharing some of your photos from this class.
That is all for now. Stay tuned for our Friday Photo Tip!
Ted and the Omnilargess Team