Photoshop Layers Tutorial 1
Layers, in image editing, are so important, that whether you are using Photoshop CS or Photoshop Elements you will find them indispensable to your editing workflow. You may already know what layers are, but you don’t see what’s so great about them. Let us open your eyes to the multitude of things you can accomplish quickly and easily with the use of layers. Your editing workflow will be revolutionized! There are so many things that are possible, once you understand layers, that we had to split our editing classes into four in order to cover it all.
Have you ever taken a photo and wished you had used a wider aperture so that the background was more blurred and the subject stood out more? Or have you ever wished that certain parts of your photo were sharpened just a little more, but not your entire image? Wish no longer. Making simple changes to specific areas of a photo is possible thanks to the capability of Layers in Photoshop. When making multiple changes to an image, you can easily go back and remove or adjust one or more of your changes; should you decide that you need to. Most editing software out there allow you to make many changes to a single image, but if you decide you want to remove one element, they require you to start from the beginning again. Not so with Photoshop!
If you are interested in speeding up your workflow and making things easier to change or undo in a photograph – think seriously about signing up for our Intro to Layers workshop. We will give you several essential skills and steps that you will find invaluable on your quest to improve your photos. Here are a few samples of just the very simplest of effects you can achieve through the use of layers in Photoshop:
1- Open the image in Photoshop
2- Create 2 layers
3- Select the top layer and go to Image>Adjustments>Black & White and Change the top layer in to Sepia
4- You can make a layer visible or invisible just by clicking the EYE icon in Layers Pallet
5-Select Eraser from your Tool Pallet
6- Start erasing parts of the top layer that you don’t want to be Sepia
7- Now you can even push the editing further by selecting the top layer and go to Filter>Blur> Lens Blur... and add Blur filter to only the top layer
8- Here is one of the most powerful functions of Layer. Now I decided that I don’t like the sepia effect I just want to make the Background out of focus. See the steps:
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This is a short tutorial video for you to see how powerful Layers are when you understand the work fellow.
Consider signing up for our Intro to Layers workshop now! Space is limited. If the timing does not work with your schedule, put yourself on a waiting list or sign up for our newsletter and you will be the first to know about any upcoming workshops as well.
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Ted and Omnilargess Team