Raw Image Editing workshop

We are pleased to announce a new workshop for intermediate to advanced photographers who want to enhance creativity and establish an effective workflow for managing and processing their RAW camera files into exhibition quality prints by using Adobe Lightroom, Aperture, Adobe Photoshop, or Nikon Capture NX 2.

Digital Darkroom ~ Getting more form Raw

The workshop starts with a tethered shooting session using a variety of digital cameras to allow direct comparison of image characteristics and quality for each camera class: point and shoot and DSLR (full frame and APSC). Images will be analyzed to show the effect of exposure, ISO rating and lighting on image quality. Techniques will be presented to demonstrate how to create atmosphere and mood while shooting and for further enhancement through RAW image processing.

Next we’ll take a look at the differences between RAW and Jpeg file formats and explore the significant quality implications of these differences, review the leading RAW image processing software and demonstrate RAW processing techniques for image enhancement.

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Establishing a Raw workflow

A systematic workflow is essential to managing and preserving your digital files. This module presents a digital workflow that may be used with any RAW processing software.

-Image downloading and file naming

-Rating and editing files

-Folder structures for easy retrieval

-Image processing settings (White Balance, Exposure, Contrast, Brightness, etc.)

-Color management settings (Adobe RGB Vs sRGB)

-File Size Vs Print size

-Understanding Pixel dimension

-How to adjust Highlight and Shadow

-Adjusting Levels and Curves using a Histogram

-Basic Noise Reduction, Red-eye removal, etc.

-Straighten image, cropping

-Dust removal

-Batch processing. And more!

Course outcomes:

By the end of this hands-on workshop you will have learned a straight forward digital workflow for importing, organizing and processing both RAW and Jpeg images.

For full details on this info packed course and how to sign up, please visit our Raw Digital Image Editing workshop page.

[beforeafterpics id=’2′ image_before=’http://omnilargess.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Park_before.jpg’ image_after=’http://omnilargess.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Park_after.jpg’ animateintro=” introdelay=” introduration=” showfulllinks=” /]

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