We, here at Omnilargess, are confident that you students are improving on both your photography as well as your photo editing skills. We have decided that what we are missing is
Hearing from YOU!
So, in order to remedy this problem, we would love to highlight a different student once or twice a month. We’ll ask you questions about how you use your photography or how your photo editing helps you, what bits of information from the workshops has assisted you most, and then we’ll ask you to send us two of your best images to display with our highlight. Feel free to watermark them as we will be giving all the credit to YOU!
We are so excited about this, and if you are all as excited as we are, then maybe these student highlights will become a more regular occurrence around here! It will be great to hear from you for a change, since we make you listen to all of us, day in and day out! If you would like to be featured in our Student Highlights, or if you have some work that you are really proud of and want to show, just send us a quick email or comment on our Facebook Page, and we’ll get in touch. So, just keep your eye out for the Student Highlight badge, and the sky’s the limit.
Bruce has sent us some of his photos. He has had several workshops with us and I want to thank him for his support and talent in photography. You can read his testimony in our Workshop Testimonials Page. Bruce has a unique point of view in landscape photography. In these photos he had edited the image to look like a Painting. Actually it worked very well. Sometimes all we need is a little tweaking to create a perfect shot!
I want to wish all the best for Bruce and his new adventure in Photography.