

A good photography teacher must have at least two essential qualifications for helping new photographers; Knowledge and Patience.


There are many photography courses around, but you need to admit that they are not all the same. A good photography program must build students’ confidence to start using pro camera settings, not the automatic ones!


At Omnilargess photography classes, we focus on our photography program’s outcome to ensure that students get the best value for their time investments.


I want to thank Mike DeBoer for taking Bootcamp Photography Program and sending us his feedback. [/vc_column_text][vc_message message_box_style=”outline” message_box_color=”alert-info” icon_fontawesome=”far fa-hand-point-right”]“Ted is a very knowledgeable instructor. He was able to help anyone regardless of equipment patiently.

He was able to add some humour as well, which made the classes much more fun.

I would still be on Automatic if it were not for Ted and the classes, Thanks!”

–Mike DeBoer[/vc_message][vc_gallery type=”image_grid” images=”20828,20829,20827,20826″ title=”Mike DeBoer’s Gallery”][vc_column_text]Feedbacks like this help us to build better photography classes for everyone.

I want to invite you to visit our Students Photogallery page to see more of his fabulous pictures. Click HERE to go to Students’ Photogallery.



Learn Photography Working Skills

Beginner’s Photography Bootcamp is a six-week program, and I cover many new and modern techniques. Advanced Focusing Technique, Shutter Speed, Aperture are a few of the interesting topics in this workshop.

I dedicate a good portion of our digital camera workshops to convert advanced techniques into easy-to-use skills. Digital Photography Bootcamp is one of our most popular photography courses. It has six classroom sessions and two field trips.

Our next Bootcamp starts on June 3, 2021. The Small class size and lots of hands-on techniques prepare you to shoot like a pro in six weeks.

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_cta h2=”Omnilargess Training Program” h4=”Upcoming Photography Classes” txt_align=”center” style=”outline” color=”black” add_button=”bottom” btn_title=”Find your workshop” btn_style=”outline” btn_color=”turquoise” btn_size=”lg” btn_align=”center” btn_i_type=”typicons” btn_i_icon_typicons=”typcn typcn-camera-outline” btn_css_animation=”bounceInDown” add_icon=”top” i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-graduation-cap” i_color=”black” i_background_style=”rounded” i_size=”xl” i_css_animation=”flipInY” css_animation=”fadeIn” btn_add_icon=”true” i_on_border=”true” btn_link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fwww.omnilargess.com%2Fevents||target:%20_blank|”]


Event Venue Date
Omnilargess Beginner Photography Bootcamp Backbone Office
  • September 21, 2024 9:00 am
Sold Out
outdoor photography workshops in Abbotsford Abbotsford Judo Club
  • October 5, 2024 8:30 am
Omnilargess Photography Bootcamp Backbone Office
  • January 25, 2025 9:00 am
[/vc_cta][vc_column_text]That is all for now. Stay tuned for my next photography Tips. We love to hear from you. Let us know if you have any questions; feel free to send us your questions, and we will be more than happy to answer them. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for more Free Tutorials and Tips.

Ted and the Omnilargess Team

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