Vancouver Entry-Level Photography Class – A full day hands on digital photography workshop.
Fall is around the corner, with more amazing changes in nature. Successful photography of Fall colours needs a few skills. Vancouver Entry-Level Photography class is specially developed to cover the most important technique of photography, which is Exposure.
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Vancouver Entry-Level Photography class is a two part workshop. Each part is Two hours with theory and hands on.
In this four hour class you will explore the hidden functions of your Digital camera and learn about Shutter Speed, Aperture, ISO, and more. This workshop is primarily intended for photographers using digital SLR or Mirror-less cameras, but many Manual capable digital compact cameras are also suitable. Each participant is expected to bring a digital camera with a fully charged battery and memory card(s)
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Part one: Classroom session on Saturday September 30th 2017 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
In this 2 hour session you will learn the Digital camera’s terminology, Menu, Functionality such as: Shutter Speed, Aperture Value, ISO, White Balance, and much more.
Part two: Hands on and practical session on Saturday September 30th 2017 from 1:00pm to 4:00 pm
This session is fully hands on and you practice with different settings such as , Aperture or Shutter priority, different metering modes, and much more. As a bonus feature we will cover White Balance and how to use Custom White Balance to achieve the best possible colours in your photos under difficult light conditions.
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Vancouver Photography Class is developed for beginners and we will cover all the important functions of your camera. Please bring your camera, fully charged battery, and Memory card. We are going to try and test almost all the different settings and scenarios that the average person would encounter when taking photos. After taking this photography class you won’t use the AUTO mode any more and you will see significant improvement in your daily photography.