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Photography Class Successful Story


Pictures from Photography Class

I just finished the Bootcamp Photography Class and Full Day Photography Class last week. Both workshops were sold out and I have fabulous students in both classes. I want to thank everyone for participating in our photography program and send us their feedback. I posted a few testimonies here in this post and all of them in our Testimonial Page. Feel free to read them all.

Here are few images from the one day photography class and Bootcamp workshop. Check our Upcoming Class for next workshops.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]For celebrating Canada Day our office is closed on Friday June 29th and will reopen on Tuesday July 3rd at 10am.

Have a great Canada Day celebration.

Ted and the Omnilargess Team[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Bootcamp workshop” font_container=”tag:h2|font_size:35|text_align:left|color:%23aa3300|line_height:1″ use_theme_fonts=”yes” css_animation=”fadeIn”][vc_column_text]Photography Bootcamp Class is a 6 week program. It includes 2 field trips, one for day light photography and one for night time photography. We had our last session of the bootcamp on Friday June 22nd. The main focus of Night photography session is to take the full control over the camera settings (Full Manual Shooting).

Here are few images from the bootcamp program. Stay tuned as I will post students photos shortly. For now just enjoy these pictures.[/vc_column_text][vc_images_carousel images=”21094,21093,21092,21091,21090,21089,21088,21087″ img_size=”600×400″ speed=”2000″ autoplay=”yes” wrap=”yes” css_animation=”fadeIn” title=”Photography Bootcamp Images”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Full Day Photography Class” font_container=”tag:h2|font_size:35|text_align:left|color:%23aa3300|line_height:1″ use_theme_fonts=”yes” css_animation=”fadeIn”][vc_column_text]Full Day Photography Class is in two parts, Part one is the classroom session and Part 2 is field photography to try the new techniques in the field. This workshop is a very good starting point for any photographers as it covers the main part of the photography, which is Exposure.

Here are few images from this workshop, and I will post more photos later. So stay tuned![/vc_column_text][vc_images_carousel images=”21100,21099,21098,21097,21096,21095″ img_size=”600×400″ speed=”2000″ autoplay=”yes” wrap=”yes” css_animation=”fadeIn” title=”Full Day Photography Class Images”][vc_column_text]That is all for now. We love to hear from you. Please send your questions to us and we will be more than happy to answer them. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for more Free Tutorials and Tips.

Ted and the Omnilargess Team[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_cta h2=”Omnilargess Photography Classes” h4=”Upcoming Workshops” txt_align=”center” style=”outline” color=”black” add_button=”bottom” btn_title=”Find your workshop” btn_style=”outline” btn_color=”turquoise” btn_size=”lg” btn_align=”center” btn_i_type=”typicons” btn_i_icon_typicons=”typcn typcn-camera-outline” btn_css_animation=”bounceInDown” add_icon=”top” i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-graduation-cap” i_color=”black” i_background_style=”rounded” i_size=”xl” i_css_animation=”flipInY” css_animation=”fadeIn” btn_add_icon=”true” i_on_border=”true” btn_link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fwww.omnilargess.com%2Fevents||target:%20_blank|”]We have scheduled many interactive photography classes for this Fall. Check them out.


Event Venue Date
Photography at Mill Lake Park Mill Lake Park
  • April 5, 2025 9:00 am
Intermediate Outdoor Photography Workshop Abbotsford Judo Club
  • May 3, 2025 9:00 am
Master the Art of Raw Shooting Abbotsford Judo Club
  • June 7, 2025 8:30 am
[/vc_cta][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row parallax=”content-moving” parallax_image=”21018″ css_animation=”fadeIn”][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Photography Class
New Testimonies” font_container=”tag:h2|font_size:30|text_align:center|color:%23ffffff|line_height:2″ use_theme_fonts=”yes” css_animation=”fadeIn”][/vc_column][/vc_row][karma_builder_testimonial_1 animate=”animate_none”][karma_builder_testimonial_1_slide client_name=”Maria Killam” testimonial_text=”I have had my DSLR Camera for over 2 years and had no idea how to use it. As a colour expert, decorator and design blogger, it’s so important for me to have pretty images on my blog. I had tried many times to take photos that included a window but my automatic functions (auto settings in camera) would not allow it. That one day when I learned how to turn an image from dark and bleak to a light filled space was worth the entire price of the course. Your patience and sense of humour with a bunch of novices in the class was great! Thanks again for a great boot camp! I look forward to learning more from you! Thank you so much!
Maria Killam, Colour Expert and Design Blogger, mariakillam.com” client_headshot_image_attachment_id=”17617″][karma_builder_testimonial_1_slide client_name=”Tamara Baltic” testimonial_text=”Ted was an exceptional teacher, knowledgeable in every aspect of the course, and always answered every students question thoroughly. You can see Ted has a passion for photography and made the learning experience seem like a fun evening with some friends. I learned more than I ever expected, and I am very excited to take my photography to the next level. I’ve already booked another course with Red for Lightroom, and Im sure I’ll book more in the coming months. Taking any of Ted’s classes for a must for anyone using a camera!” client_headshot_image_attachment_id=”21046″][karma_builder_testimonial_1_slide client_name=”Kathy Barlow” testimonial_text=”I really enjoyed the workshop, and felt that I learned a lot. Ted is a great instructor – interesting, supportive and encouraging, good sense of humour.
I wish you advertised better, as I had been looking for a photography class for a couple of years before I finally stumbled across Omnilargess.” client_headshot_image_attachment_id=”21026″][karma_builder_testimonial_1_slide client_name=”Hope Connelly” testimonial_text=”I recently took the introductory photography workshop and I had an absolute blast! The instructor was extremely knowledgeable and was able to answer all questions the students had without hesitation. Not only was he knowledgeable he made the workshop fun too!
I am hoping to take the photography boot camp with a friend in the near future” client_headshot_image_attachment_id=”21062″][karma_builder_testimonial_1_slide client_name=”Sandra Marshall” testimonial_text=”Thank you so much for making photography such an interesting and fun part of my life. Just wanted to share and let you know that tonight in my backyard I was thinking of all I learned through the night photography class when I took some photos of the beautiful full moon and reflections on our lake.
Tomorrow I’m meeting a small group of your students at Westminster Abbey.” client_headshot_image_attachment_id=”21010″][karma_builder_testimonial_1_slide client_name=”Mike DeBoer” testimonial_text=”Ted is a very knowledgeable instructor. He was able to patiently help anyone regardless of equipment.
He was able to add some humor as well, made the classes much more fun.
I would still be on Automatic if it were not for Ted and the classes, Thanks!
I am hoping to take the photography boot camp with a friend in the near future” client_headshot_image_attachment_id=”20828″][karma_builder_testimonial_1_slide client_name=”Leah Blume” testimonial_text=”Loved the class! Instructor was awesome and made it very comfortable to ask questions and ask for help. I will definitely be recommending Omnilargess to friends and family! I am hoping to take the photography boot camp with a friend in the near future” client_headshot_image_attachment_id=”21062″][karma_builder_testimonial_1_slide client_name=”FRANCINE ROULSTON” testimonial_text=”Loved it. It was everything I was needing to help understand my camera better. Out instructor Ted is a patient, knowledgeable and professional teacher. I will be signing up for future classes.” client_headshot_image_attachment_id=”21062″][karma_builder_testimonial_1_slide client_name=”Brett Beaulieu” testimonial_text=”I would recommend the Digital Photography Boot Camp to anyone who wants to get the most value out of their DSLR
Before participating in the Digital Photography Bootcamp, my experience / knowledge with a DSLR was very basic. I owned my DSLR for a few years but rarely took it out of Auto mode.
After completing the boot camp, I am very comfortable shooting in Manual, Shutter or Aperture Priority. Understanding these settings, along with achieving a correct exposure and composition have taken my ability to produce an interesting photograph to the next level. I will share photographs pre and Post boot camp with Omnilargess, and you can judge for yourself…” client_headshot_image_attachment_id=”17544″][karma_builder_testimonial_1_slide client_name=”Darcie Connell” testimonial_text=”If you and your camera are stuck in “Auto Mode“ then Omnilargess is for you! The class was so eye-opening, I can’t believe I’ve waited so long to sign up. I learned how to get out of automode and start experimenting with shutterspeed, aperture, metering system, and more! This class is a great boost of confidence for any new photographer. I highly recommend it! And a big personal “thanks“ to Ted who was an extremely knowledgable, patient, and helpful instructor.” client_headshot_image_attachment_id=”17550″][karma_builder_testimonial_1_slide client_headshot_image_attachment_id=”17544″ client_name=”Christine Doel” testimonial_text=”Hi Ted, How are you? I hope all is well. I know we have not seen each other in awhile. If you remember, I just had my son and was expecting my daughter! Both are doing great. I thought I should catch up and let you know how my photography is going. First off, I would like to say thank you. Your classes truly helped me get to where I want to be. As of last October I decided to take it further by opening my doors to family and friends. I have a small home studio that I have started to do newborn photography and just started to shoot Family Outdoor sessions (I never imagined I would be doing that). I have continued to educate myself with editing and some online courses but I’m always finding that you have given me knowledge that sets me ahead of the class. I will always appreciate the time and effort you took to help me learn from scratch. Please take a look at some of my work, www.loveandchild.ca or @loveandchild.ca on Instagram. I still have a long way to go but am excited to show you what you have taught me. Thank you again!”][karma_builder_testimonial_1_slide client_headshot_image_attachment_id=”17550″ client_name=”Krystal Creelman” testimonial_text=”Ted’s an amazing teacher. He answered our questions with such passion and clarity, it got the whole class excited and eager to learn more. Thanks Ted for giving me the confidence I needed to put my creative ideas into ‘focus’. Even though class is done, I now reserve every Wednesday for photography. I’ve already signed up for another class and look forward to taking more in the near future. Cheese, Krystal”][karma_builder_testimonial_1_slide client_headshot_image_attachment_id=”17622″ client_name=”Suzanne (Suzie) Sevigny” testimonial_text=”My experience with Ted was incredible. Within half an hour of being in the class room, I had already learned three new skills that I had no idea I even needed to know when operating my nikon DSLR camera and by the time the several hour course was finished, I was seeing photography in a completely new way. I have always loved and enjoyed photography but now I am excited to take it to the next level and practise everything Ted had graciously taught me. There is no “dumb questions“ in Ted’s classes, he makes you feel very comfortable and moves at a pace that works for everyone in the group. He has a special way of getting everyone to see their own potential and feeling relaxed and excited about photography, which I really appreciated. Instead of just talking at you, he teaches with grace and wisdom and makes you use your critical thinking skills so that you are truly absorbing and understanding what you are learning. It is a lot of fun getting out and shooting photos with Ted once you have the lesson down. Thanks again for your support and your expertise Ted, can’t wait until the next class!”][karma_builder_testimonial_1_slide client_headshot_image_attachment_id=”17550″ client_name=”Austin Underwood” testimonial_text=”This class (Beginners Digital Camera workshop) was very useful for those of us who need to understand the basics of how to take the pictures. I was very satisfied”][karma_builder_testimonial_1_slide client_headshot_image_attachment_id=”17622″ client_name=”Correne webster” testimonial_text=”Excellent class. I did the beginners class, I knew nothing about my new camera and was nervous. I felt extremely comfortable to ask questions. The instructor, Ted was very helpful and knowledgable. I learnt so much in the one day workshop. I’m looking forward to practicing all the new info I learnt. Beyond my expectations. Looking forward to practicing what I learnt. I was a little nervous as I knew nothing about my camera, but I had nothing to be nervous about as the instructor was extremely helpful.”][karma_builder_testimonial_1_slide client_headshot_image_attachment_id=”17622″ client_name=”Debby Evoy” testimonial_text=”Great class (Digital Camera Bootcamp), learned a lot,

I enjoyed the class. I learned so much about my camera and how to use it. Ted did an awesome job and I felt comfortable asking questions. He is very helpful. I will recommend this class to all my friends.”][karma_builder_testimonial_1_slide client_headshot_image_attachment_id=”19296″ client_name=”Luella Johnsen” testimonial_text=”The workshop (Bootcamp) was very well done. Ted is an excellent teacher and was careful to ensure that everyone had answers to their questions. The size of the class of excellent and was a very comfortable group.
The repetition required to better understand our cameras was very beneficial.”][/karma_builder_testimonial_1]

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