Night Scene Photography Techniques

White Balance Correction in Lightroom

Digital Camera White Balance can be a little confusing for almost all digital photographers. That is why we receive many questions regarding White Balance correction in Digital Cameras and editing software like Lightroom. 

One of the significant topics in our Digital Photography Classes, whether in classrooms or outdoors, is White Balance. As a matter of fact, in digital photography, we can consider White Balance as having a part to play in our Exposure. 

We all know that Exposure rules are solid and, for creating better images, these rules should always be applied.

White Balance Presets

White Balance Camera’s Presets

My camera has an Auto White Balance. Is it not good enough for capturing great images?

The answer is quite simple! Your camera also has an Auto Mode, and Auto Mode makes an OK image! 

The same is true with the Auto White balance. In many situations, Auto White Balance can bring out almost good colours, but not perfect colours.

Can you make it simple?

It is confusing not only for photographers but also for digital cameras. I explain White Balance in detail and in plain English in our Digital Photography Classes. Then, in our Outdoor Photography Workshops, you can experiment and apply all the technical data in real life.

I shoot in Raw format. Do I need to be concerned about White Balance?

We cover that part in our Photoshop and Photo Editing classes. When we look at a photo, our brain adjusts the colours for us in less than 4 seconds! It is challenging to adjust colours properly if you don’t see the colour cast in less than 4 seconds. 

In our Photoshop and Lightroom lessons, you learn how to quickly identify the colour cast in a photo and then learn the tools you should use to adjust the colour without changing the other parameters in pictures. 

Can I use the same colour cast removal techniques for jpegs?”

Raw files offer more data for editing purposes. However, JPGs can support colour correction up to specific points.

You will get the best result by editing in Raw format.  

Auto White Balance

Although the exposure is correct, photo does not look good due to incorrect White Balance
Photography in snow

White Balance Correction in Lightroom

Using Custom White Balance is very important tool in Lightroom

Can you give examples of when and where to use Custom White Balance?” 

Using Custom White Balance will depend on the level of digital photography that you do. If you are doing some candid shots just for fun, you don’t need to be too concerned about Custom White Balance. 

But if you take important pictures and want to simplify your editing process, you should consider switching to Custom White Balance. As a rule of thumb:

–when there are multiple light sources (more than one), you must tell the camera what to do about colour.

-whenever you take pictures indoors, Custom White Balance will provide the most accurate colour for you.

-when taking photos in Shade/Shadow. The light temperature varies from location to location, and cameras usually don’t have the data to adjust for these situations.

-when you take pictures in a very colourful environment. You need to help the camera see past these colours.

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White Balance Questions?  

Join our Lightroom and Photoshop Private lessons and learn from expert instructors, connect with a vibrant photography community, and take your skills to the next level. Your journey to photographic excellence begins here.

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That is all for now. Stay tuned for my following photography Tips. We love to hear from you. Let us know if you have any questions; feel free to send us your questions, and we will gladly answer them. Follow us on FacebookInstagram and Twitter for more Free Tutorials and Tips.

Ted and the Omnilargess Team

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