Photoshop Vs Elements

Photoshop Vs Elements


We have received MANY questions regarding Photoshop full version and Photoshop elements (these are two versions of Adobe image editing software). ” Do I need the full Photoshop CS to join Photo Editing Classes?” or ” I just have Photoshop elements, can I sign up for editing workshops?” The short answer to these questions is that you can use either version of the Adobe software for our courses. In order to get a better idea about which one suites you best, we have found a quick list of differences between the full (CS) and the Elements current releases (CS6 and Elements 10). This list will change with the release of each new version, and does not take into account the “extended” package which includes several other programs that add to and enhance the performance and capabilities of the CS versions.

Here is the answer from Adobe about the differences between Photoshop CS and Elements:

Photoshop Elements 10 (US$99) is designed for people who are just getting started with digital photo editing, and delivers powerful yet easy-to-use options that help you organize, edit, create, share, and help protect your personal photos.

Photoshop CS6 (US$699) is the professional standard for creating and manipulating powerful images, and Photoshop CS6 Extended (US$999) delivers every­thing in Photoshop plus tools for creating and editing 3D and motion-based images.”

Since this answer does not have enough detail, we decided to add some more information for all of you.

To simplify matters, the Photoshop CS series is targeting more advanced users and, therefore, has some features that many of us may not need. It generally offers more advanced tool customization and fine tuning options than its counterpart. Here are some of them* (Source:

– CMYK and LAB color mode

– More tools and features that work with high-bit (16-bit and 32-bit) images

– Channels Palette

– Recording custom Actions

– Adjustments: Color Balance, Match Color

– Layer Comps, and Quick Mask mode

– Smart Objects, Smart Guides

– Lens Blur Filter

– Vanishing Point Too

– Puppet Warp

– Pen tool and paths palette

– Mixer brush and bristle tips painting tools

– Some adjustment layers (curves, color balance, selective color, channel mixer, vibrance)

– Editing History Log

– Text on a path, advanced text formatting

– Advanced Layer Style manipulation

– Advanced Color Management

– Advanced Web features (rollovers, slicing)

– Customizable tool presets, keyboard shortcuts, and menus

These are few advanced tools that you can have in Photoshop CS. Are you going to use any of these features? The answer to this question will determine whether you need to buy the full version or not.

On the other hand, Photoshop Elements comes with all essential tools for most basic editing. The user interface of Photoshop Elements is more friendly and Adobe has added some useful and easy to use options to simplify things for you. Here are some of them:

-Cookie cutter tool

-Smart brush tool

-Drop-in frames, backgrounds, and artwork

-Additional Photomerge modes, like Group Shot, Scene Cleaner, Faces, and Style Match

-Guided Edits and Quick Fix mode

-Multi-file processing without the need to record an action

-Automatically divide scanned photos

-Multi-page documents

-Photo creation templates for photo books, greeting cards, calendars, and more.

-Easy online sharing options for Facebook, Flickr, etc.

-A powerful Photo Organizer

I believe that the added features to Elements makes it more attractive and user friendly, especially for the novice user. We are going to have more articles on this topic to try to explain some of the differences mentioned here so that you are able to make a more informed decision. It is noteworthy to mention that the user interfaces between the two types of software are VERY different.

For our Photoshop and Image editing classes you can use either of these great programs. No matter which version you use, we will cover the tools and features in very simple and easy to understand steps, which will help you enjoy your photo editing rather than struggling through on your own without getting the desired results.

Photoshop Intro to Layers

Photoshop Colour and Layers

Photoshop Exposure and Masking with Layers

Photoshop Retouching with Layers

Ted and Omnilargess Team





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