Replace Colour in Photoshop

Replace Colour in Photoshop

Photoshop Quick Tip

How to adjust a selective colour in Photoshop

Photo Tip Friday May 30, 2014

Have you ever wanted to replace a certain colour in your picture without affecting the other colours? For example you took a photo of your backyard in the middle of summer and you want to make the grass in your picture greener. Or may be you want to know how your living room will look if you changed the paint and want to experiment with different paint colours to match the furniture! In this tutorial I am going to show you an easy, quick way to replace selective colours in Photoshop. Then use your imagination and have fun!

Replace colours in Photoshop is easy and fun
Replace colours in Photoshop is easy and fun


-Open an image in Photoshop and copy the layer. It is always recommended to work on a layer not directly on the original image.


Replace colour in Photoshop can be used in many situation to enhance the image
Replace colour in Photoshop can be used in many situation to enhance the image


-Go to IMAGE > ADJUSTMENTS > REPLACE COLOR. Select the “EYE DROPPER” with the Plus sign. Next select the colour that you want to change. By moving the eye dropper to the different shades of the colour, you add them to your selection. By adjusting the FUZZINESS you can see how much of the colour is selected (White means selected, Black means not selected)


Under the Image Menu, locate Replace Colour
Under the Image Menu, locate Replace Colour
Colour Replace in Photoshop can be fine tuned by using the Eyedropper and Fuzziness slider


-Start to adjust HUE to the colour that you like. In this photo I wanted to have more green instead of brown.


Using the HUE slider you can replace colour to your liking
Using the HUE slider you can replace colour to your liking


-To fine tweak my changes I used a HUE/SATURATION layer adjustment and added a touch of saturation and changed the hue a small amount.


Adjust the global adjustment by using Layer Adjustment
Adjust the global adjustment by using Layer Adjustment


The job is done! Here is a Before and After for you to compare:


Before "Replace Colour". Notice the brown tone in foreground.
Before “Replace Colour”. Notice the brown tone in foreground.


After "Replace Colour". The image looks much nicer due to vivd green in foreground.
After “Replace Colour”. The image looks much nicer due to vivd green in foreground.


Can you see how, with a little artistic vision, this simple technique can create amazing pictures?


In our Photoshop Editing Techniques Bootcamp you will learn many simple yet powerful techniques for beginners to intermediate Photoshop users. If you are an advanced user and want to learn more about advanced techniques, please give us a visit and we can arrange some private lessons for you.


Have fun with using selective replace colour in your photos!


Ted and the Omnilargess Team

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