Studio Portrait Photography Workshop

Expired Studio Portrait Photography Workshop

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Intermediate to Advanced class
Intermediate to Advanced class

Studio Portrait Photography Workshop 

There are many similarities when working with flash and studio lights (also known as strobes) and there are many fundamental differences as well. This workshop is all about working with strobes for optimum results.

Part 1 Classroom Session:

May 6th 10 am

This part is a two hour classroom session inside a studio space. You will be introduced to external flash meter, different light modifiers such as umbrellas and soft boxes, how distance and size of the light affects the result, some popular studio light setups, camera techniques and much more.

Portrait Photography Workshop
Portrait Photography Workshop Studio Edition

Part 2 Studio and Hands on:

May 6th 2 pm

Inside the studio we will set up three different shooting stations complete with strobes and backdrops. Each station represents a different popular portrait light setup complete with live models. Your instructor will assist participants to setup their camera and the lights, examine different options and more. This four hour session has lots of technical and practical examples to prepare you for many kinds of studio shooting challenges.

List of equipment required for this workshop:

A camera with manual control (Such as DSLR or Mirror-less camera), a lens with minimum of 50mm focal length (please contact us if you have questions regarding your camera and/or lenses), a fully charged battery and memory card are all you need for this advanced workshop. Strobes and the extra devices used in studio portrait work (such as modifiers, triggers, etc) will be supplied by us.

We suggest to register for all three Portrait workshops through our package deal and save big on registration fee.

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